Component Instance

mount returns a VueWrapper with lots of convenient methods for testing Vue components. Sometimes you might want access to the underlying Vue instance. You can access that with the vm property.

A Simple Example

Here is a simple component that combines props and data to render a greeting:

test('renders a greeting', () => {
  const Comp = {
    template: `<div>{{ msg1 }} {{ msg2 }}</div>`,
    props: ['msg1'],
    data() {
      return {
        msg2: 'world'

  const wrapper = mount(Comp, {
    props: {
      msg1: 'hello'

  expect(wrapper.html()).toContain('hello world')

Let's take a look at what's available on vm by with console.log(wrapper.vm):

  msg1: [Getter/Setter],
  msg2: [Getter/Setter],
  hasOwnProperty: [Function]

We can see both msg1 and msg2! Things like methods and computed properties will show up too, if they are defined. When writing a test, while it's generally recommended to assert against the DOM (using something like wrapper.html()), in some rare circumstances you might need access to the underlying Vue instance.

Usage with getComponent and findComponent

getComponent and findComponent return a VueWrapper - much like the one get from mount. This means you can also access all the same properties, including vm, on the result of getComponent or findComponent.

Here's a simple example:

test('asserts correct props are passed', () => {
  const Foo = {
    props: ['msg'],
    template: `<div>{{ msg }}</div>`

  const Comp = {
    components: { Foo },
    template: `<div><foo msg="hello world" /></div>`

  const wrapper = mount(Comp)

  expect(wrapper.getComponent(Foo).vm.msg).toBe('hello world')
  expect(wrapper.getComponent(Foo).props()).toEqual({ msg: 'hello world' })

A more thorough way to test this would be asserting against the rendered content. Doing this means you asserts the correct prop is passed and rendered.


Note: if you are using a <script setup> component, vm will not be available. That's because <script setup> components are closed by default. For these components, and in general, consider avoiding vm and asserting against the rendered markup.


  • use vm to access the internal Vue instance
  • getComponent and findComponent return a Vue wrapper. Those Vue instances are also available via vm